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China Animation joins Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong again Spotlights first [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area China Animation VR eSports Championship (華夏動漫杯) ]

Column:Company News Time:2019-07-27
China Animation joins Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong again
Spotlights first [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area China Animation VR eSports Championship (華夏動漫杯) ]

China Animation joins Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong again

Spotlights first [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area China Animation VR eSports Championship (華夏動漫杯) ] 

(Hong Kong, 27 July 2018) – China Animation Characters Company Limited (“China Animation” or the “Group”) (stock code: 1566), a multimedia animation group, is joining the five-day 20th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong starting today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. At its booth, D03 in Hall 1, China Animation is presenting to visitors the 3V3 VR eSports game “Tower Tag” – the game featured at the first [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area China Animation VR eSports Championship], and also CA SEGA Wonder Forest attractions, among others. 

[Spotlights / Unveils] First Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Bay Area China Animation VR eSports Championship]


It is the second time China Animation is joining the Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong, which has given it the avenue to in effect unveil the first Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area “華夏動漫杯” VR eSports competition. The event is organized by China Animation, with the [Guangdong eSports Association] (廣東省電競協會) as advisor and CA SEGA JOYPOLIS LTD. under China Animation and a number of famed enterprises as co-organizers.

At the Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong, China Animation kicked off the Tower Tag qualifying competition for eSports team in Hong Kong and Macau. After the contestant teams have had their practice between 27 and 31 July 2018, the Hong Kong regional final competition will be held on 25 August, whereas the Guangzhou and Shenzhen matches will take place on 1 October and for Macau on 27 October. The regional winners will compete for the grand trophy at the final of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area VR eSports competition on 10 November. The market has high anticipation for the event with China Animation hailed superb for its abundant experience in VR games and leadership in the industry.

“Tower Tag”, which was developed in Germany, is a “VR + eSports theme park” game that supports 3V3 match (i.e. six players in all). It creates a virtual environment where players can swing from tower to tower on a laser rope, and in the process look for mistakes of other players and shoot to win. The game not only commands strategic and tactical agility of its players, but also allows them – beginners to veterans – to exercise and have fun.

On 9 February, “Tower Tag” was launched commercially at China Animation’s indoor animation amusement park CA SEGA JOYPOLIS in Tokyo and immediately became the most loved game. Those want to play have to make reservation up to a month in advance. In May, China Animation brought the game to the International Cultural Industry Fairs and [Beijing Technology Week] (北京科技周) and there it won players’ fancy and great word-of-mouth.

China Animation currently owns four world-leading SEGA JOYPOLIS indoor amusement parks worldwide and the world’s only three VR interactive theme parks namely Zero Latency, Mortal Blitz and Tower Tag. The Group has core R&D teams altogether several hundred strong in Tokyo, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


Launches also self-developed IP game “紫嫣節奏大師

The Group also launched its self-developed VR game “紫嫣節奏大師”,  Violet’s dynamic stage shows and fans gatherings at this year’s Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong. It hopes to take participants into the animated world of Violet, the gorgeous virtual artist, and talented singer and dancer.


The virtual artist Violet is a super IP created by China Animation and the Group has held Holographic Concerts for her in Shenzhen and Hong Kong since 2015. She is currently the guide and image ambassador of CA SEGA JOYPOLIS indoor theme parks across the country and has performed for audience worldwide on the CA SEGA JOYPOLIS digital VR stage.


China Animation owns the intellectual property (IP) rights to a number of popular animation characters including three among the top 10 [most popular?] cartoon characters – "Han Ba Gui" ,"Violet" and “The King of Tibetan Antelope”, as well as [characters from / those of] movies and animated dramas such as  “Project Egg”, "Animal Conference on the Environment" and "Amazing UU." CA SEGA JOYPOLIS under China Animation has close cooperative relationships with many world-leading IP brands such as “Transformers” from the US, SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog, Initial D, etc.


International brand Wonder Forest brings great summer holiday fun

At the China Animation booth, there is also a mini Wonder Forest experience zone, where both kids and adults can, via experience using advanced smart devices, come to appreciate the latest fruit of innovation in the area of multimedia animation.

CA SEGA Wonder Forest is an intelligent and innovative family amusement park designed for teenagers and is a sub-brand under CA SEGA JOYPOLIS. Not only does it have access to SEGA’s 67 years of experience in developing electronic entertainment technologies and in related operation, and boast SEGA’s consistent embrace of safety and [humanized / people-oriented] services, but also has China Animation’s original animation IP integrated into its promises of fun. Two Wonder Forest amusement parks were added in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area this month.


Mr. Zhuang Xiangsong, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of China Animation, said, “VR eSports is booming and capturing eyeballs around the world. As the first multimedia animation group listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and armed with leading VR game technologies and extensive experience, we are determined to tap the eSports market. By hosting the [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao China Animation VR eSports Championship], we hope to drive development of the eSports market in the Big Bay Area, offer the most innovative and exciting experience to players and challenge ourselves to present to players the ultimate virtual reality.”



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華夏動漫形象有限公司(股份代號:1566)是中國第一家在香港主板上市的多媒體動漫集團。20171月,華夏動漫收購控股日本CA SEGA JOYPOLIS LTD.,成為世界領先的室內樂園研發運營商,在全球東京、上海、青島、大阪等多個城市擁有世界NO.1的大型室內樂園─SEGA JOYPOLIS。華夏動漫打造了業界領先的四大板塊:頂級室內樂園─CA SEGA JOYPOLIS、頂級室內兒童樂園─CA SEGA Wonder Forest、虛擬實境主題樂園─CA SEGA VR theme park及以著名IP為主的動漫遊戲周邊全產業鏈業務。


華夏動漫擁有多個著名動漫形象的知識產權(IP),包括個全國十大卡通形象憨八龜Hanbagui紫嫣Violet》、《藏羚王》,以及《蛋計劃動物環境會議神奇的優悠等多部電影、動畫電視劇,並擁有國外知名IP「蒼姬Aoki Lapis」全亞洲所有版權,與世界許多大品牌lP有著緊密的合作(如:美國的變形金剛、世嘉SONIC超音鼠、頭文字D)。虛擬偶像紫嫣Violet是華夏動漫全力打造的動漫明星超級lP2015年起於深港兩地舉辦多場3D全息演唱會。




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